It's time to move on! Ariana must continue her quest to find the Great Tree, her people's lives depend on it!
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Life on the frontier is dangerous, and Ariana is reminded of her mission - it's time to move on!
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Book One, Chapter Four
17 files in this Flow
Douglas has come to trust Ariana, and rely on her help. But it may be that Elves are not the strangest beings in this forest...
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There are a lot of things which are hard to understand in another language, but hard times are universal.
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Ariana has found a Lumber Camp, a remote human outpost. Is everything going well here? And is everything as it seems....
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Ariana has never seen a real live human before, are they are strange as the legends say? Or even stranger?
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Root & Branch is an epic fantasy adventure, of Ariana seeking The Great Tree, with beautiful watercolor pages and unexpected story-telling.
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