Love in Ruins

After discovering a hidden temple, Caleb and Issac are now tangled together as they try to escape the sanctum and everything inside.


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Unsure what to do, Issac throws himself into his work.

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Free Flow

Caleb makes his move.

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Free Flow

Issac offers to help. Is Caleb finally growing on Issac?

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Free Flow

Caleb finally admits why he's sponsoring the dig.

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Free Flow

Issac visits the temple for the first time and reports back to Caleb.

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Free Flow

As Issac and Caleb are getting to know each other better, it seems Caleb is hiding something.

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Chapter 1

58 files in this Flow

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Free Flow

Issac and Caleb meet for the first time and Caleb has some unholy thoughts.

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